Psychologists state that an increase in prices for the necessary products or services is considerable stress, but if the augmentation is 1000%, one can face an emotional upheaval. “Keep calm and ignore” is hardly good advice in such circumstances. Stress affects us differently, but mostly we encounter it before some important event, like when we need to express ourselves or need to make a decision. It’s coping with what is going on and what to do?
Hosting community all over the globe is talking about the announced increase in cPanel price, and that too without any warning by the companies. These companies specialize in interfaces aimed at simplifying website and server management.
A lot of hosting providers in the world get used to cPanel because it’s very convenient and easy to turn to the account and, and cPanel helps in supporting high quality hosting as well. It offers various technological solutions that are quite convenient to opt, for example, built-in utility “Fantastic” which contains about 50 ready-to-use scripts. cPanel is a quite popular software, perhaps the most common of all the commercial hosting control panels, especially hosting providers of Europe and North America. Another reason that makes this software more fascinating is that it has extended functionality for resale hosting, so if you want to offer the best web hosting, it is an attractive feature for you. Another significant motive of using cPanel hosting is that habit is sometimes more expensive than money.
The cPanel price hike was quite obvious, not for everybody, but for the web-hosting providers who expected a rise in license prices, however, they could not predict the exact percentage of the increase and that this would happen that soon.
How could they know? The answer is simple. Venture capitalist group – Oakley Capital took charge of cPanel at the beginning of this year. They already had a Plesk control panel and some hosting companies in hands, and it made perfect sense to grasp the control of cPanel at that time. Now the corporation has almost complete control of the web hosting market for the control panel. This behavior was entirely logical and productive from a business perspective.
On the one hand, from a business point of view, everything is right. Congratulations, an appropriate and thoughtful step. Whereas, on the other side, what about the users? Is it good for them? Will something be better for the end-user? Precisely the answer to all these questions is “No.” Let’s think about it a little from this user perspective.
You should not be an analyst for predicting that this acquisition might mean the end of a serious rivalry or competition. Instead, over and above, in a healthy competition, as people know, the users will win at the result. Nevertheless, if one company is dominating both Linux and Windows markets, as we know, Oakley Capital does now, still after having the first and the second places all over the world in this case, the deployment of different features or overall user experience might suffer. Mainly because there will be no active or noticeable marketing rival putting the pressure and stepping on the feet.
It is possible to look from the other point of view that big series company, Oakley Capital, being on the top of hosting provider world service, creates a competent and wise business strategy of making the best technology of all times. Why not, it is a great direction, and Oakley Capital is closer to this goal than anybody else. For making a positive prediction, it is possible to say that we will know about massive projects as soon as possible. If the company is consistent in its decisions, it takes action quickly and firmly, without any doubts or hesitation, as if it was with cPanel price increase: seriously, busily and like some people say, quite aggressively.
cPanel price increase forces the companies, interested in interfaces, to aim at simplifying websites and server management to look at other hosting technologies, like to learn a system of different Hosting Control Panels. The third popular solution that hosting providers offer their clients is to manage the hosting is Direct-Admin. It is one of the most attractive and leading stable positions, among the top ten, all around the globe between the hosting control panels system. It is the reason to try being better, to improve the services and to do the best for gaining market share.
This table will help you to investigate further, more appropriately.

Let’s learn the opportunities of Direct-Admin : Server management (start / stop domains, configure the system); management of client sites (virtual-hosts, DNS) ; user Account Management; create reseller services; backup management (including to a remote server) ; monitor server status; let’s Encrypt certificate support (since version 1.5). It’s quite an excellent set to be one of the best. At this moment, the latest stable version of the control panel is 1.574 submitted on July 9, 2019; this indicates that the company is constantly making efforts to improve the capabilities and capacities of its service.
The advantages of Direct-Admin are the speed of work and not demanding server resources; wide range of supported operating systems and distributions; low cost; and ease of use. And also, all of the sold licenses are “unlimited domain” licenses.
All of us nowadays think visually, because it is easier to understand the world quickly, here is a Direct-Admin panel, and it is different from others: modern, well-designed, easy-to-use and comfortable.

We live in a market model of a capitalist world, especially high-tech IT sphere, and all the decisions here are informed.
Nowadays, thanks to the cPanel price hike, many companies are thinking about finding new alternative expedient hosting offering well-operation and fair price. To cope with the current situation in the hosting market, can new and ambitious flexible companies give a comfortable service and try to keep every client? One of the most well-developing host company in Europe is Getspace, who has rapid growth throughout its existence. To prove the above-stated, we see that Getspace keeps the current clients on cPanel and the company isn’t going, in the nearest future, to change the management panel. Why? The answer is easy. The company made a balanced decision to work with grateful clients and build a partner durable attitude. The market situation now is very emotional, and some customers do not want to use cPanel, in principle, because of the cPanel price hike at once, they can perceive it as disrespect for themselves and their business. And why not, because everybody has the right to have an opinion. Getspace has an alternative decision, like Direct-Admin or some other solution; the company is always ready to offer a solution tailored to customer’s expectations. The company knows the best solutions because of vast practice experience and tests. Making clients happy – is the most pleasing result of the work, it is a goal of all the real and successful companies. As can be seen, Getspace is always ready to offer a solution tailored to customer expectations, and they can do it well.
Everybody knows that a stress situation hinders the choice of the right solution and the creation of a successful business, but partnership relation will help to move mountains and create a steady income. Getspace, in simple words, is a solution to get out of stress.